Category Archives: Field of Interest

Geneva Global: Performance Philanthropy

Geneva Global Performance Philanthropy (GGI) provides advisory and research service in international philanthropy.  Through its network GGI works on identifying and assessing the most effective international giving opportunities. GGI’s consulting service allow its clients to invest in international granting aimed at funding local solutions to issues faced by impoverished communities in developing nations. Volunteer opportunities may vary.


Contact: 610-254-0000,

Location: 595 E Lancaster Ave. Suite 200 St. Davids, PA, 19087

*This site is accessible via public transportation from the Bryn Mawr campus. Please see transportation reimbursement policy.

Coalition of African and Caribbean Communities in Philadelphia (AFRICOM)

The Coalition of African Communities – Philadelphia (AFRICOM) is an umbrella non-profit organization that brings together various African, American and Caribbean community organizations and individuals, who subscribe to the mission to improve the welfare of its community members by:

  • Facilitating family access to health and social services, with special focus on women, children and the youth.
  • Promoting economic development.
  • Facilitating resolution of inter and intra-group conflicts.
  • Advocating on issues of concern to African communities &.
  • Educating the media and broader public on African cultures and experiences.

Recent projects hosted by AFRICOM include the Health Fair  and a food bank distributed with the help of collaborator organizations.

Some of the programs envisioned by AFRICOM include:

African Conference

  • All day seminar on various issues
  • Invite all African organizations and stakeholders on African affairs
  • Invite knowledgeable panelists, nationally and from Africa
  • Organized in collaboration with the Mayor’s Commission on African and Caribbean Affairs

Economic Development and Funding

  • Organizing a major fund raising event
  • Invitation of all African organizations and business and government officials
  • Grant-writing activities and proposals for AFRICOM and for the benefit of members
  • Develop African professional/business directory

Cuture and Media

  • Marketing and promotion of AFRICOM through media, radio, etc.
  • Promotion of African cultures
  • Advocating and publicity of issues of concern to African communities


Contact: 215-816-8063,

Location: 6328 Paschall Avenue, Suite A, Philadelphia PA 19142

International House

International House offers educational and social programs that assist its residents, and other international students and scholars, with their adjustment to American society and life in Philadelphia. The International House looks to encourage cross-cultural understanding and leadership skills necessary to succeed in today’s global economy.

International House presents hundreds of public programs to over Philadelphia area residents throughout the year. The programs are designed to “foster a global community by celebrating the world’s cultural diversity and probing issues from an international perspective.”

Volunteers provide support in event coordination, fund raising, language classes, administrative needs and promotion in the community. The IHP “Arts + Culture” programs, Residents Programs, Development Office, and “English + Foreign Language” Programs are some opportunities to get involved.


Contact: 215-387-5125

Location: 3701 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104, USA

*This site is accessible via public transportation from the Bryn Mawr campus. Please see transportation reimbursement policy.

Puentes de Salud

Puentes de Salud is a non-profit community health and wellness organization that partners with the Mexican immigrant population in south Philadelphia to promote well being by providing health care in addition to a variety of other programs. Currently, Puentes de Salud is working in partnership with the Graduate School of Education (GSE) at The University of Pennsylvania to develop an after school tutoring & mentoring program that focuses on the education of undocumented, immigrant children in the elementary grades 1-3. We are seeking motivated and committed volunteers to join us in this effort as tutors and mentors. Group tutoring sessions will pair tutors with two to three students to help them with their homework, educational development, and social support. This opportunity will require a commitment of 2 hours per week, with a minimum of one semester of service requested. Tutoring sessions will be held at the United Communities building at 8th and Snyder in South Philly. We are hoping to have teams of 2 tutors paired with 4 students, with a mandatory meeting one afternoon per week and drop-in hours on the other days.



Contact: 215-454-8000,

Location: 2029 S. 8th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19148

*This site is accessible via public transportation from the Bryn Mawr campus. Please see transportation reimbursement policy.

Clinton Foundation

Founded by former President Bill Clinton and based primarily in New York City and partially in Boston, MA and Little Rock, AR, the William J. Clinton foundation focuses on global issues of critical importance, including climate change, as well as HIV/AIDS in the developing world, childhood obesity and economic opportunity in the United States, and economic development in Africa and Latin America. Internships are offered for the fall, spring, and summer terms with service requirements, as are volunteering opportunities.


See for more information about internship opportunities.

Location: Internship sites are located throughout the United States, with many in New York City.

Nationalities Service Center

Established in 1921, Nationalities Service Center (NSC) is a nonprofit organization that provides social, educational, senior, translation/interpretation, and legal services to immigrants and refugees in the Greater Philadelphia area. You can help by volunteering/interning in a number of capacities, including as a teacher, teaching assistant, tutor, office helper, graphic designer, companion, bilingual receptionist, and more. Please see their website for more information.



Contact: 215-893-8400,

Address: 1216 Arch Street 4th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19107

*This site is accessible via public transportation from the Bryn Mawr campus. Please see transportation reimbursement policy.